Breen, the antagonist, is also from Black Mesa… what? But, then Judith Mossman is also from Black Mesa! Seriously? They couldn’t have said she was from some other lab or research facility? Couldn’t they make something up? “Valiance Industries”. And then Barney is the security guard from Black Mesa… okay, I guess.

Turning generic NPCs into canon characters is kind of cool. I get that Kleiner and Eli are from Black Mesa. I’ve already talked about Half-life 1’s being pretty silly, and how I don’t think Alyx Vance is a strong female character, so here we go again.Īre there people who claim that HL2 has a well written story? I don’t know, but here’s why they’re wrong if they exist. So, I’ve always been annoyed by some terrible aspects of Half-life 2’s story.